Solar Photovoltaic Installation Supervision Training Course

Mr. Umar Josiah Danbaba- PACC Policy Renewable Energy Coordinator
Completes a Solar Photovoltaic Installation Supervision Training Course
Ibrahim Shehu Shema Centre for Renewable Energy Research Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina.
(10th July – 12th August 2017)
The Nigerian Energy Support Programme (NESP) in collaboration with USAID and the Winrock identified the deployment of Solar Photovoltaic Technology as one of the fastest ways of achieving access to clean and sustainable energy and a robust renewable energy market growth in the power sector.
Winrock however, identified Lack of market baseline data, influx of substandard products and components, lack of technical capacity and certification of installers from the industry as major setbacks to access to finance and penetration of Solar Photovoltaic in Nigeria.
It is against this background, that Winrock decided to sponsor the training of personnel drawing from different background, private sector, industry and relevant governmental organisation on the Supervision and Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Systems aimed towards the deployment of best practices, deployment of standard/quality products and components and promoting robust renewable energy market growth.
The overall objective of this training workshop is to enhance the capacity of Solar Photovoltaic Supervisors/Installers and entrepreneurs who want to venture in to Solar Photovoltaic business.
The specific objectives of the training workshop were:
- To impact Supervisors/Installers to have adequate knowledge and capacity to deployment best practices on supervision and installation of Solar Photovoltaic Systems.
- Enhance motivated individuals to take on the task of Entrepreneurs who in turn will promote penetration of Solar Photovoltaic in Nigeria’s market gap.
- Employment opportunities:
- Drive market for Solar Photovoltaics
- Increase technical capacity and deployment of international best practices
- Reduced influx of substandard products and components
- The participants will receive a certificate of participation and will give feedback on the usefulness of the training by filling a questionnaire

Figure 1: Participants and Some Facilitators During the Solar Photovoltaic Installation Supervision Training.

Figure 2: Lecture taken by Mr Eric Lespin on Solar photovoltaic Installation.

Figure 3: A simple solar installation project to ascertain the working of the principles of the various component of a solar photovoltaic system.

Figure 4: Practical the different ways to connect loads to a solar photovoltaic system.

Figure 5: Inspection of the Abandon Solar Photovoltaic Installation At Government Secondary School Kusada, Katsina State, Nigeria

Figure 6: A Presentation of The Participant Observation and Recommendation to Government Secondary School Kusada, Katsina State Nigeria.